The Benefits of Finding Followers and Sharing Info
I know, many of the “experts” will say gaining tons of followers on various sns is about as productive in the long run as being high school homecoming royalty. They will say that focusing on followers that are also “true fans” of your work is what really counts. And I suppose they are probably right. I have a little over a thousand followers on Medium and around eight thousand more spread across ten to twelve different social media sites, but in truth, I only interact with a handful of these followers. And judging by the fairly dismal sales of my novel even fewer book buying followers.
But I have also noticed that when I write an article that is useful and post it across multiple sns’ that I almost always get a few kind comments from followers I hadn’t interacted with before. It’s not like I’m re-inventing the cyber-wheel or anything, just passing along info that I’ve discovered bumbling through cyberspace, and my ongoing Don Quixote attempts to become a more successful writer. Having the opportunity to help other writers is always worth it. Over the years many more experienced authors than myself have passed on great tips that have helped me tremendously. I’m just happy to be able to do the same occasionally. Having a lot of followers doesn’t mean much (though I am a little proud of the fact I’ve never bought any of them), but it does mean there is a slightly better chance that more writers might see and be helped by the things I post and publish.