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9 Really Good Facebook Writing Groups to Join.

I wrote The Internet Troglodyte’s Method to Get Your Work Noticed a few weeks back about using Facebook groups to gain followers for your Facebook author’s page and to find new readers for your work. I mentioned a few of the groups in that post, but I thought I would give a better description of the main ones I use. Authors 36K members: This is a great group for sharing links. With 36k members, it’s one of the larger ones. Almost every day of the week they allow you to share either your author’s page, blogs, links for your book, book covers, or other sns. They have very specific guidelines on what you can and can’t post, so be sure and give them a quick read through before posting anything

.Promote Your Book Here! 5K members and Promote Your Book Here 12K members: Similar names, but different groups. At 5k and 12k followers respectively though, both of them are worth checking out. They are also very similar in what they allow writers to post. Both of them are great for posting book links and often have Facebook author pages and other sns link posting days.

Writers Group 100K members: This one is huge with nearly 100k members. But sadly, it can be, and more often than not is, a cesspit of trolls, non-writing related posts (The God Squad lives here apparently), and pleas for writers to finish other member’s homework. But when members do link shares, which they do often, it is a great chance to gain a lot of followers. You can also post your work there for feedback, but I’ve heard the response is either zilch or pretty trollish rather than helpful.

Fiction Writing 41K members: Another huge and very active group. They also give writers a chance to submit their work to their anthologies. The other writers here are very helpful and the admins are quick to step in when the trolls do come a calling. One of my favorite go-to groups when I have questions.

Writers Assembled 15K members: A very good group especially for nuts and bolts sorts of questions. The other writers are always very helpful. They also allow you to post your work for feedback. I haven’t tried it, but it seems like most of the feedback writers receive is constructive and useful based on the responses I’ve seen in the discussion area.

Writers’ Mutual Support Group 248 members: A very new and fairly small, but rapidly growing group, that is made of mostly Medium members. It is a great place to share work from Medium and ask general questions about how to use Medium effectively. A lot of great writers regularly post links to their work here and give advice.

10 Minute Novelist 11K members: One of the very first Facebook writing groups I joined. There are a lot of very experienced writers here that are happy to answer questions about the ins and outs of traditional and self-publishing. They also have a weekly link share that is a great way to find more readers for your work.

Zombie Pirate Publishing Writers Group 1K members: One of the most fun writing groups I’m a member of. It has a real “we are all in this together feel to it” with very little drama like you see in some of the other groups. The founder of the group is very active here and often provides lots of excellent info, prompts, and questions about writing and publishing to keep the discussions lively and interesting.

Publishing Fighters 45 members: Last, but not least, well least in terms of members, is my own little group. It is small, but I know most of the writers there personally. I try and post new stuff there 1–3 times a week. Most of it is related to using Medium, publishing, and tips to help you improve your writing. A cozy little group that is happy to answer your questions.

And there you have it, the best 9 Facebook writing groups I know of. Join up and start building your reading audience!

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